
“Painting is about discovering what you are. Your mind is covered in layers and layers of other people’s opinions and visions through what you hear and are told, through what you read and you see. What is it though that you really think about mankind and his place on this earth? You need to scrutinize yourself, psychoanalise yourself… dig deep inside. What you find, well it’s that which you must express - your relationship to the world around you. The quandary with painting is that you may reveal how it is made or demonstrate its technique but the one thing that gives it life and makes it what it is you cannot explain. What is said is in the language of shape, form, light and colour. It cannot be proved. That is the miracle of it. Words and vision are not always compatible. Somehow, a verbal explanation of a sunset never matches its wonder, beauty and majesty but this feeling of wonder can be conveyed by a painting.

For my own personal ego, I want to produce something worth leaving on this earth. After all there are limits to what is possible in a book for children. What I want to do has nothing to do with words. I can't really explain it. I just want to do it. Something entirely spiritual. Let's say it were a landscape but it won't bear any resemblance to a landscape. It will be about the spiritual quality of the sensations derived from looking at that landscape and attempting to express that with paints in some extraordinary way that will be entirely my own.”

From an undated interview with Brian by Edward Robinson